Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer: The Basics
Prostate cancer is a common yet often slow-growing cancer that originates in the prostate gland. The small walnut-shaped gland produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. It affects men primarily between ages 55 and 69. While it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, many prostate cancers do not impact overall lifespan. Symptoms can include urinary problems and erectile dysfunction, and the risk factors range from race to family history and obesity.
Prostate Cancer News
Navigating Life With Prostate Cancer
Coping with prostate cancer presents daily challenges. Overcome them with simple strategies.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

7 Symptoms of Advanced Prostate Cancer and How to Manage Them
Pain, fatigue, and loss of appetite are common symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and its treatment. Here’s ...
By?Paul Raeburn
What Does a High PSA Level Mean?
PSA testing may be the first step in prostate cancer screening, but benign factors may contribute to high PSA,...
By?Chris Iliades, MD
Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Know the questions to ask your doctor about metastatic prostate cancer, such as treatment options, lifestyle changes...
By?Stephanie WatsonCauses, Risk Factors, and Prevention

What Trans Women Need to Know About Prostate Cancer
Read about the risk of prostate cancer in transgender women, the impact of gender-affirming hormones, and the ...
By?Larry Buhl
Drinking Milk May Put You at Risk for Prostate Cancer
Daily milk consumption may increase the risk of prostate cancer in men. Learn about the role of hormones in cow...
By?Larry Buhl
9 Myths About Prostate Cancer
About 1 in 10 men develop prostate cancer at some point in their life, so it’s likely that you or someone you ...
By?Madeline R. Vann, MPH, LPC
Breast Cancer in the Family: What It Means for Prostate Cancer Risk
If breast or ovarian cancer runs in your family, it could mean that you carry a mutation that ups your risk for...
By?Lambeth HochwaldTreatments and Complications

Prostate Cancer Treatment: What Are Your Options?
Prostate cancer treatment options includes active surveillance or watchful waiting, surgery, radiation, hormone...
By?Larry Buhl
The Consumer’s Guide to Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer
Explore androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for advanced prostate cancer, including the benefits, risks, side effects...
By?Maria Masters
The Consumer’s Guide to Radiopharmaceuticals for Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Radiopharmaceuticals are a type of immunotherapy for metastatic prostate cancer that could increase your life ...
By?Alison Dalton
Black Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer Are Less Likely to Get the Most Effective Therapies?
Learn about disparities in the use of second-generation androgen receptor inhibitors for prostate cancer and how...
By?Laurie Saloman
Treatment Options for Stage 4 Prostate Cancer
Learn the treatment options for advanced prostate cancer, including hormone therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, radiation...
By?Larry Buhl
Why Is My PSA Level Going Up After Prostate Cancer Treatment?
A rising PSA level after prostate cancer treatment may indicate metastatic disease. Learn its causes and how it...
By?Stefano IavaroneLiving With Prostate Cancer

Integrative Medicine for Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Explore integrative therapies for metastatic prostate cancer, including nutrition, acupuncture, supplements, exercise...
By?Stephanie Watson
Navigating the Emotional and Physical Challenges of Prostate Cancer Surgery Recovery
Prostate cancer surgery can cause urinary and sexual side effects. Learn about recovery, emotional support, and...
By?Stephanie Watson
Palliative Care for Metastatic Prostate Cancer: How to Find Symptom Relief and Support
Learn about medications, surgery, radiation, exercise, and other therapies and strategies for symptom relief from...
By?Stephanie Watson
Maintaining an Active Sex Life With Prostate Cancer
Learn how prostate cancer treatments can affect sexual function and fertility, and how side effects can improve...
By?Larry Buhl
How to Involve Your Spouse or Partner in Your Advanced Prostate Cancer Care
Learn how you and your partner can help each other cope after an advanced prostate cancer diagnosis.
By?Paul Raeburn