Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Tremors

Prevention is the best medicine for MS-related tremors, but help is available for those who already have them.
tremors and shakes
An occupational or physical therapist may be able to recommend exercises or assistive devices that ease the impact of tremors.Corbis
Some people with multiple sclerosis (MS) develop tremors, or shaking, in various body parts. Tremors can be mild, but they can also be severe and disabling.

“MS tremors are rhythmic, back-and-forth muscle movements that you can’t control,” says Alessandro Serra, MD, PhD, a neurologist at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. “The tremor can affect your hands, arms, legs, or even your head and vocal cord muscles.”

How much they affect a person’s life varies from one individual to another. Some people find that tremors make certain tasks, such as dressing, eating, using a computer, and writing, very challenging. For others, tremors can be less disabling and more of a tolerable inconvenience.

Why Does MS Cause Tremors?

People with MS get tremors when plaques, or damaged areas, develop along the nerve pathways responsible for coordination of movements, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS).

Damage to myelin in the area of the brain known as the cerebellum (at the back of your head, just above where the spinal cord meets the brain) and the nerves leading to and from it can lead to tremors. The cerebellum is responsible for balance and coordination. Demyelination in the thalamus and the basal ganglia (both located in the center of the brain), which are also involved in motor control, can lead to tremors, as well.

Different Types of Tremors

Tremors are commonly classified by appearance and cause or origin.

A cerebellar tremor, the kind most often associated with MS, is a slow tremor of the extremities “caused by lesions in or damage to the cerebellum in the brain,” says Harold Gutstein, MD, a clinical assistant professor of neurology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City.

“In MS, these tremors reflect more aggressive or long-lasting disease,” Dr. Gutstein says.

Tremor types are also described by the situations in which they occur.

Intention tremor: Typically occurs during physical movement, with no shaking when you are at rest, according to the NMSS. The tremor develops and becomes more pronounced as you attempt to grasp for something or move a hand or foot to a certain spot. “These occur when you reach for something and start to shake,” Dr. Serra says. Intention tremors are the most common and usually most disabling tremor type experienced by people who have MS, notes the NMSS.

Postural tremor: Happens when you’re holding a position against gravity, such as keeping your arms outstretched. “With these tremors, you shake when you sit or stand,” Gutstein says, “but not when you’re lying down.”

Resting tremor: Occurs at rest and is less typical in MS, according to the NMSS.

This type of tremor is most common in Parkinson’s disease.

How to Prevent MS Tremors

Gutstein often tells his patients, “The brain is like time: Once it disappears, you’re not getting it back.”

The important thing is to get diagnosed and start aggressive treatment early, with disease-modifying therapies (DMT) for MS that can prevent most tremors from ever occurring, he says. As of March 2023, there were 24 DMTs for the treatment of MS, according to an update on the diagnosis and management of MS published in the Journal of Clinical Neurology.

To minimize tremors, “You should also eliminate contributing factors that can be controlled, like fatigue, stress, or too much coffee,” Gutstein says. “There are no great treatments for MS tremors once they start, which is why prevention is so important.”

Medicines That Treat MS Tremors

Several types of medication, including antianxiety drugs, antihistamines, beta-blockers, anti-nausea medications, and antiseizure drugs, have all been used for tremors caused by MS on an off-label basis (meaning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved them to treat tremors related to MS).

But there is no definitive evidence that any particular drug is effective for MS tremors.

?A review underscored this point and noted that more research needs to be done on medications that may improve tremors in MS.

?“No drug has been specifically approved for MS tremors,” Serra says. “None of the available MS drugs treat tremors, either.”

Other Treatments for MS Tremors

For those who have already developed tremors, treatment may include the following.

Occupational or physical therapy: These treatments can help manage tremors that interfere with daily life. Therapy may include the use of braces, weighted devices, wrist rests, and exercises to increase control and balance, Serra says.

Deep brain stimulation: Often used as a therapy to treat Parkinson’s disease, it may also be helpful for cases of severe MS tremors. Electrodes are implanted in the brain, Serra explains, to block involuntary muscle movement. A study on the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation reported that 64 percent of the participants with MS saw an improvement in their tremors three months after surgery.

?And a review found that MS-related tremors improved after deep brain stimulation.

“Deep brain stimulation shows promise, but the improvements are not always dramatic enough to justify the risks,” Serra says. Those include infection and bleeding in the brain. But deep brain stimulation is not widely available and not especially common for MS.

Botox: Approved to treat MS-related spasticity in the upper and lower limbs, as well as overactive bladder, this treatment may also help MS-related limb tremors. In one study, participants with MS showed improvement in handwriting tremors and overall tremor severity after Botox shots.

?And a review found that Botox significantly reduced the severity of tremors in the hands after 6 weeks of treatment, especially when used alongside electromyography, which measures the health of muscles and motor neurons (the nerve cells that control muscles). The review authors noted that there was strong evidence supporting the use of Botox for MS tremors, and that the main side effect, hand muscle weakness, was tolerable.

When injected into a muscle, Botox blocks nerve signals that cause tightening and movements of the muscle. Its effects last approximately 3 months, according to the review.

Focused ultrasound: There is some evidence that this treatment, which involves using targeted sound waves to treat areas in the brain, may be safe and effective for certain MS tremors.

?It’s a promising treatment but not yet common.

What About Medical Marijuana for MS Tremors?

Medical marijuana has not been proven to help with tremors, Gutstein says.

Indeed, in one review article, several studies found that cannabinoids (a group of substances found in the cannabis plant) were completely ineffective in managing tremors, although they had some impact on other symptoms, such as pain and spasticity.

“There is a lot of noise out there,” Gutstein says, “but [no evidence directly related to] cerebellar lesions. It’s a step I wouldn’t cross at this point.”

The Takeaway

  • People with multiple sclerosis may develop tremors or shaking that can range from mild to disabling.
  • While there aren’t many treatment options approved specifically for MS tremors, early diagnosis, alongside practical therapies like occupational therapy, can help ease their impact.
  • It's important to focus on prevention by managing stress, and remember that assistive devices can provide much-needed support.

Additional reporting by Susan Jara.

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy. We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.
  1. Tremor (Shaking) Due to Multiple Sclerosis. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  2. What causes tremors in MS. MS Society. February 27, 2023.
  3. Tremor. Parkinson's Foundation.
  4. Baskaran AB et al. Current Updates on the Diagnosis and Management of Multiple Sclerosis for the General Neurologist. Journal of Clinical Neurology. May 2023.
  5. Makhoul K et al. Tremor in Multiple Sclerosis—An Overview and Future Perspectives. Brain Sciences. October 2020.
  6. Pourmohammadi A et al. Pharmacological treatment of tremor in multiple sclerosis; a systematic review. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. April 2022.
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  8. Zali A et al. Deep brain stimulation for multiple sclerosis tremor: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. November 2021.
  9. Boonstra FMC et al. OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment for MS-tremor modifies fMRI tremor response in central sensory-motor integration areas. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. May 2020.
  10. Liao Y et al. Botulinum Toxin for Essential Tremor and Hands Tremor in the Neurological Diseases: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Toxins. March 2022.
  11. Cummins DD et al. Focused Ultrasound for Treatment of Movement Disorders: A Review of Non-Food and Drug Administration Approved Indications. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. February 16, 2024.
  12. Haddad F et al. The Efficacy of Cannabis on Multiple Sclerosis-Related Symptoms. Life. May 2022.

Jessica Baity, MD

Medical Reviewer

Jessica Baity, MD, is a board-certified neurologist practicing in southern Louisiana. She cares for a variety of patients in all fields of neurology, including epilepsy, headache, dementia, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.

She received a bachelor's degree in international studies and history from the University of Miami and a master's in international relations from American University. She graduated from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine, where she also did her internship in internal medicine and her residency in neurology.

Prior to practicing medicine, she worked in international relations and owned a foreign language instruction and translation company.?

Denise Mann


Denise Mann is an award-winning health journalist in New York. Her articles regularly appear in Healthday, Wall Street Journal,, Newsday, American Profile, and other consumer health portals. She is the chief editor of Plastic Surgery Practice and a feature writer for WebMD. She writes about women's health, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, diet and fitness.

Her first foray into health reporting was with the Medical Tribune News Service where her articles appeared regularly in such newspapers as the Detroit Free Press, Chicago Sun-Times, Dallas Morning News, and the Los Angeles Daily News. She received the Journalistic Achievement Award from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in 2004 and 2011.

She lives with her husband, their miniature schnauzer, and their two sons. An avid indoor cycler, Mann is always up for a Soul Cycle class. In her spare time, Mann is working on a fiction novel loosely based on her extended family.