What Is Multiple Sclerosis? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease of the central nervous system that can cause symptoms throughout the body.

The term “multiple sclerosis” refers to the multiple areas of scar tissue — often called “lesions” — that develop along nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve and that are visible in MRI scans. The literal meaning of “sclerosis” is “pathological hardening of tissue.”

Most experts believe MS is an autoimmune condition, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues in the body.

In the case of MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that normally protects nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The underlying nerve fibers can also be damaged or destroyed in this attack.

As the attack progresses, the myelin sheath becomes inflamed and gradually is destroyed, leaving areas of sclerosis that disrupt the?electrical impulses between the brain and other parts of the body, leading to MS symptoms.

Not all researchers agree with the autoimmune explanation of multiple sclerosis. Some have proposed that some other disease process is driving damage to the nerve fibers, and that the inflammation seen in MS is a response to that damage, not the primary cause of it.

Advances in imaging technologies and further research are needed to clarify what actually causes MS and how best to treat it.

Types of Multiple Sclerosis

Scientists have long described different types of MS, the most common being relapsing-remitting MS, primary-progressive MS, and secondary-progressive MS.

But in recent years, as described in an article in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, there’s a growing consensus that these are not distinct types of MS, but rather points along a continuum, in which the underlying changes to the brain are the same, but the observable symptoms are different, depending in part on how long the disease process has been going on.

In all types of MS, the loss of neurons (nerve cells) and axons (the nerve fiber, or portion of the nerve cell that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell) leads to progressive neurological decline, experienced as worsening symptoms by the person with MS, according to the Handbook of Clinical Neurology.

Nonetheless, most people with MS are still diagnosed with a particular type of the disease based on their progression of symptoms.

Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS)

Relapsing-remitting MS is characterized by periods of active inflammation in the central nervous system, during which symptoms worsen (and new symptoms may develop), alternating with periods when symptoms are less acute.

The times when symptoms worsen are known as relapses, flares, or exacerbations. As a relapse ends, the severity of symptoms diminishes, but a person can be left with new, permanent symptoms.

The quiet periods between relapses are called remissions. Remissions may last for months or years before a relapse occurs.

RRMS is the most common type of MS — estimates vary, but between 80 and 90 percent of people with MS are diagnosed with this relapsing-remitting course of the disease, and most people with RRMS eventually develop secondary-progressive MS.

Learn More About Relapsing-Remitting MS

Secondary-Progressive MS (SPMS)

Secondary-progressive MS is generally considered a second phase of?RRMS, in which there is symptom progression and increased disability. People with?SPMS?may continue to have relapses, although they may be less frequent than in?RRMS.

Most people who are diagnosed with RRMS will eventually transition to SPMS, but each person’s experience with it — whether or not they have relapses and how much progression, or disease worsening, occurs — will be unique.

Learn More About Secondary-Progressive MS

Relapsing MS (RMS)

The term “relapsing MS” typically encompasses clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), which is a first episode of neurological symptoms caused by inflammation or damage to the myelin in the central nervous system; relapsing-remitting MS; and “active” secondary-progressive MS, in which relapses occur along with steady symptom progression.

A number of disease-modifying therapies have been approved to treat any of these conditions.

However, before prescribing such a drug to a person with CIS, a doctor would evaluate whether that person is at high or low risk of developing MS, as described by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), or possibly already has MS, but earlier symptoms went unrecognized or undiagnosed.

Primary-Progressive MS (PPMS)

In?PPMS?there is no initial relapse that signals the beginning of the disease. Instead, MS symptoms gradually appear over time.

Those who have?PPMS?generally do not experience acute?exacerbations?or have distinct remissions, but they may have temporary plateaus during which symptoms lessen somewhat.

About 15 percent of people with MS are?diagnosed with?PPMS, according to the NMSS.

Learn More About Primary-Progressive MS

Progressive-Relapsing MS (PRMS)

The term “progressive-relapsing MS” was once used to describe cases of MS in which a person experienced steadily worsening neurological function from the beginning, with occasional relapses, according to the NMSS.

Today, people whose MS takes that course are said to have “active PPMS.” In addition to relapses, they may also have MRI scans showing new lesions.

Benign MS

A small percentage of people with MS have a benign form of the disease, in which symptoms progress very little over the course of a person's lifetime, after the initial attack.

There’s some controversy over how (or whether) to classify people with benign MS, since the progress of the disease can vary over a person’s lifetime, according to the NMSS.

Malignant MS

A small number of people with MS have malignant MS, which is marked by the rapid formation of lesions in the brain and spine, causing severe symptoms, disability, and possibly death, according to the Social Security Program Operations Manual System.

How Can Someone Identify New or Worsening MS Symptoms?

MS can cause a broad variety of symptoms. Neurologist Mill Etienne, MD, MPH, lists some of the common ones that should prompt you to see your doctor.
How Can Someone Identify New or Worsening MS Symptoms?

Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The nerve damage that occurs in MS can lead to a broad range of?symptoms, depending on what part of the central nervous system has been attacked. MS can affect numerous areas of the brain, as well as the optic nerve — the nerve that transmits signals from the eye to the brain — and the spinal cord.

It’s often said that no two people with MS have exactly the same pattern of symptoms. In addition, an?individual’s?symptoms can change or fluctuate in severity over time.

Common Symptoms

Some common early symptoms of MS include?visual problems, difficulties with balance and walking,?numbness and tingling, and heat intolerance.

Other common symptoms include:

Uncommon Symptoms

Less-common symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

In many cases, MS symptoms can be treated, sometimes with medication and sometimes with a form of rehabilitation, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or cognitive therapy.?People with MS who are depressed?can often be helped by the same types of antidepressants, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes that are beneficial for depressed people who don’t have MS.

Even when treatment can’t alleviate an MS symptom entirely, it can often reduce its severity.

What Is a Multiple Sclerosis Relapse?

A relapse, or flare, is a worsening of existing MS symptoms — physical and cognitive — often accompanied by the appearance of new symptoms. Relapses occur because of inflammation of previously existing lesions, new areas of inflammation in the central nervous system, or both.

Typically, relapses come on over hours or days and can last for days or weeks.

A true relapse occurs at least 30 days after your most recent relapse and lasts for at least 24 hours. Shorter periods of symptom worsening, called?pseudoexacerbations, can be triggered by heat, stress, and fatigue, among other things. Once the underlying cause of a?pseudoexacerbation?is reduced or eliminated, the MS symptoms should abate too.

Treatment for a relapse often includes a short course of high-dose steroids, such as?Solu-Medrol?(methylprednisolone), delivered intravenously in an outpatient clinic or infusion center. Steroids speed recovery but cannot repair any new damage to the nervous system caused by the inflammation.

A person may recover fully from a relapse or may have lingering symptoms afterward. While the use of disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) should reduce the number of relapses an individual has — and therefore the amount of residual disability — at least one study of more than 1,600 people with MS who were taking?DMDs, published in November 2018 in the journal?Multiple Sclerosis, found a high rate of incomplete recovery 12 months later in those people who had had severe relapses.

Learn More About Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

How Much Do You Know About MS Symptoms?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects each person differently, and the list of symptoms it can cause is long. Take this assessment to see how much you know about the symptoms of MS.

Causes and Risk Factors of Multiple Sclerosis

The cause of MS is unknown — no one knows what sets off the disease process that leads to MS lesions in the first place. But it is thought that some combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental causes is necessary to trigger the disease.

Some research points to the Epstein-Barr virus as a likely environmental trigger. A recent study of more than 10 million young adults on active duty in the U.S. military found that the risk of MS increased 32-fold after infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, but was unchanged after infection with other viruses.

Earlier research found that having infectious mononucleosis (“mono”), which is most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, doubled risk of MS when the infection occurred during childhood and tripled it when the infection occurred during adolescence.

Some other research points to low vitamin D levels as a contributing cause of MS.

?Cigarette smoking is also known to raise the risk of developing MS.

?And having obesity during childhood also appears to raise the risk.

Approximately 20 percent of people with MS have a family member who has it, but even having an identical twin with MS increases the risk by only 20 to 40 percent. So even though having a family history of MS raises the risk somewhat, MS is not considered a genetic or hereditary disease.

Learn More About Causes of Multiple Sclerosis: Common Risk Factors, Genetics, and More

How Is Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosed?

MS is generally diagnosed on the basis of a person’s history of symptoms, along with the results of?a variety of medical tests, which may include:

  • A neurological evaluation of physical movement and coordination, vision, balance, and mental functioning
  • Blood tests to rule out other conditions
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to detect brain lesions typical of MS
  • Lumbar puncture?(spinal tap) to obtain cerebrospinal fluid, which may contain substances more likely to be found in people with MS

Diagnosing MS early is critical so that treatment can begin early, with the goal of reducing the number of relapses a person experiences and slowing the progression of the disease.

But no single test can definitively diagnose the disease, and MS symptoms mimic those of a number of other conditions.

In addition, symptoms of MS and their severity vary widely from person to person. Symptoms can also come and go from one day or week to the next, as well as change gradually over time.

All this makes diagnosing MS a challenge, even with a newly revised set of guidelines known as the McDonald criteria, which spell out what’s needed to accurately diagnose MS.

Prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis

Although MS can sometimes be a debilitating disease, the majority of people who have it don't become severely disabled, according to the National MS Society.

Many people with MS are able to maintain their mobility with the help of?assistive?devices, such as canes or crutches, often supplemented with?scooters or motorized wheelchairs?for long distances. About one-third of people with MS completely lose their ability to walk.

People with MS who have the best prognosis are usually those who:

  • Are female
  • Were younger than 30 when the disease started

  • Have infrequent attacks
  • Have relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS)
  • Have few signs of disease in?diagnostic scans
A study reported in August 2019 in the journal?Brain?may improve doctors’ ability to give long-term prognoses to those in the early stages of MS.

The researchers found that brain and spinal cord MRIs done soon after?clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), or a single episode of demyelination, predicted disease progression 15 years later. CIS sometimes, but not always, develops into MS. In the 166 study participants who were assessed after 15 years, certain types of lesions — specifically spinal cord and gadolinium-enhancing lesions — on their initial MRIs were linked to development of secondary-progressive MS at follow-up.

Learn More About Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

Duration of Multiple Sclerosis

MS is incurable, so it lasts a lifetime. It's rarely fatal, although studies have shown that it shortens a person’s life expectancy by about six or seven?years,

at least in developed countries.

A 2020 study that examined causes of death among people with MS found that when MS was listed on a death certificate as an underlying cause of death, the most common contributing causes were:

Of course, people with MS also die from the same systemic illnesses that kill people in the general population, such as heart disease and cancer, underscoring the importance of maintaining the type of healthy lifestyle habits that can lower the risk of these diseases.

Treatment and Medication Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment for MS often includes disease-modifying medication to reduce the number and severity of relapses in those who have them and to slow disease progression. But these drugs don’t treat MS symptoms, nor are they effective at shortening an MS relapse that’s in progress.

For this reason, treating MS generally involves a multipronged approach, including:

  • High doses of steroids or sometimes plasmapheresis to shorten relapses
  • Disease-modifying therapies to prevent relapses and disease progression
  • Treating the symptoms of MS using medication, physical therapy, other types of rehabilitative therapies, a healthy lifestyle, and complementary treatments
  • Counseling and support for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders

Disease-Modifying Therapy Options

For people who have relapsing-remitting MS, a long list of disease-modifying drugs are approved to lower the frequency and severity of acute attacks and slow disease progression.

For people with primary-progressive MS, only one medication,?Ocrevus?(ocrelizumab), has been shown to reduce the likelihood of disability progression. In September 2024, the FDA?approved a subcutaneous version of ocrelizumab called Ocrevus Zunovo. The twice-a-year, under-the-skin dosing regimen gives people living with MS another treatment delivery option.

And for people with “active” secondary-progressive MS, meaning they still experience relapses, and new lesions continue to be seen on their MRIs, a growing number of drug treatments have become available since 2019.

Learn More About Medication for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatments for MS Symptoms

Doctors can prescribe a wide variety of drugs to relieve symptoms related to MS, include analgesics for pain; antispasmodics, such as?baclofen, and muscle relaxants, such as?Zanaflex?(tizanidine), to ease muscle?spasticity; and?Ampyra?(dalfampridine)?to improve walking ability.

Physical therapy can also be helpful for dealing with fatigue, weakness, pain, and spasticity. A physical therapist can prescribe exercises, stretches, and alternative ways of performing physical tasks to improve energy levels and physical functioning.

Occupational therapy is often used to find easier or alternative ways to achieve tasks of daily living, including by using assistive devices and energy conservation techniques.

Your doctor can also refer you for speech-language therapy to address problems with speaking or swallowing, cognitive rehabilitation for help with memory and thinking tasks, and psychotherapy for help with depression, anxiety, grief, or simply distress related to living with a chronic condition.

In addition to formal rehabilitation and therapy, exercise and meditation have both been shown to improve function and quality of life for people living with MS.

Learn More About Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis: Drug Therapy, Rehabilitation, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, and More

Prevention of Multiple Sclerosis

As of yet, there’s no surefire way to prevent multiple sclerosis, in large part because the cause of the disease is not yet fully understood. But there are some healthy behaviors that can reduce an individual’s risk of MS.

Vitamin D

Adequate vitamin D — from sunlight, food, and supplements — is one way to potentially lower your risk of MS. A study published in January 2022 in?Neurology found that growing up in a sunny area and having a high amount of sun exposure in the summer was associated with a lower risk of developing MS in childhood.

?Also, in a study published in October 2018 in the International Journal of Neuroscience, the people diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) who went on to develop MS had lower vitamin D levels than those who didn’t.

So while there’s no guarantee that upping your vitamin D levels will prevent MS, it’s also likely to do no harm, as long as you stay within?safe limits of both sun exposure?and?vitamin D supplementation.


Not smoking is another strategy that may lower MS risk. Smokers and people exposed to secondhand smoke are known to have an increased risk of MS,?according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Quitting smoking may therefore lower your own risk and that of the people around you.

Healthy Weight

Maintaining a?healthy weight, particularly in childhood, may also lower a person’s MS risk. A study published in May 2019 in JAMA Neurology?found that obesity in children is associated with increased risk of pediatric MS. In addition, the children who were obese responded less well to first-line MS medication than those who were not.

Obesity in early life has also been associated with a higher risk of developing MS as an adult.

Learn More About Prevention Measures for Multiple Sclerosis

Complications of Multiple Sclerosis

Beyond the direct effects of MS symptoms — of which there are many and of varying severity — there can be additional consequences of some symptoms.

Urinary Tract Infections

Bladder problems?are very common in people with MS, affecting at least 80 percent of them, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Some people have trouble holding their urine in (incontinence), while others can't fully empty their bladder (retention).

Failing to empty the bladder completely raises the risk of developing a?urinary tract infection (UTI), which can cause worsening MS symptoms, as well as discomfort when urinating, needing to urinate frequently, and releasing only small amounts of urine.

If not treated quickly, a urinary tract infection can in turn lead to a kidney infection, which is a medical emergency.


Sometimes people with MS have trouble?swallowing, known as dysphagia. When the timing of a swallow is off, or the muscles involved in swallowing are weak, foods and liquids may enter the airway instead of the esophagus, where they belong.

If the person cannot cough forcefully enough to expel them, the food and liquid can end up in the lungs. This can lead to aspiration pneumonia, a serious condition that can require hospitalization.

Symptoms of aspiration pneumonia may include chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, and coughing up foul-smelling phlegm. You should seek medical help if you experience these symptoms.

Physical Trauma From Falling

Many MS symptoms, including balance problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, and numbness, raise the risk of falling.

Falls, in turn, raise the risk of serious injuries, such as broken bones and head trauma. Falling can also lead to fear of falling, which typically causes a person to become less active, weaker, and even more prone to falling.

While not all falls can be prevented, many can, through a range of strategies to build leg strength, improve balance, fall-proof your home, and address potential causes of dizziness.

Pressure Sores

People with MS who spend most of their time sitting or lying down need to be aware of — and take steps to prevent —?pressure sores. Also known as bedsores or pressure ulcers, pressure sores are areas of damaged skin caused by extended pressure to one area.

They tend to develop in areas where the bones are close to the skin, such as the heels, tailbone, shoulder blades, and elbows. A combination of moving more often, using special cushions or mattresses, and checking your skin every day can help prevent pressure sores or catch them early.

Learn More About MS Complications

Risk of Depression Is High in Multiple Sclerosis

Depression?is common among people who have MS, and not just because it’s stressful to have an unpredictable progressive disease.

Depression in MS?may be a direct result of the immune system's attack on the protective?myelin?sheaths that envelop nerve fibers, causing behavioral changes, including depression.

Multiple sclerosis can also change what is known as the body's?neuroendocrine?system, which oversees hormone release, including?hormones?implicated in depression, such as?serotonin.

Additionally, some?medicines used to treat MS, such as interferon beta, can also cause depression.

And sometimes depression develops as a result of the stresses and challenges associated with having MS.

The good news: No matter what its underlying cause, depression in people with MS can be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two.

Research and Statistics: Who Has Multiple Sclerosis?

For decades, most major health organizations estimated the prevalence of MS in the United States at 400,000, but research published in March 2019 in the journal?Neurology?upped the estimate of the number of Americans living with MS?to 1 million. The researchers used private, military, and public health claims data to arrive at this number.

Going forward, more and better information about MS trends in America, including the number of new cases, should be available through the CDC’s?National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System, which was established in 2016 and funded in 2019.

In the meantime, what is known now about MS is that while anyone can develop it, many of those who have it share the following characteristics:

Age?The majority experience their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40.

Race?White people have long been believed to be more than twice as likely as other races to develop MS. But the?underrepresentation?of racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials calls this belief into question.

Gender?MS is two to three times more common in women than in men.

Climate?MS is five times more common in temperate climates — like the northern United States, Canada, and Europe — than in tropical climates.

Genes?People whose close relatives have MS are more susceptible to the disease, but there is no evidence the disease is directly inherited in most cases.

Black Americans and Multiple Sclerosis

It’s unknown exactly how common MS is among Black Americans, in part because researchers have only just begun to investigate this question, and in part because the complex causes of MS mean that the incidence of disease is likely to vary from one study population to another.

On the basis of his research,?Bruce Cree, MD, PhD, a neurologist and the clinical research director at the multiple sclerosis center at the University of California in San Francisco, estimates that compared with people of Northern European ancestry in the United States, those of African ancestry develop MS at about half the rate. Yet Black Americans tend to develop more aggressive forms of MS than white Americans do, with a larger percentage having spinal lesions, indicating more aggressive disease.

As far as treatment for MS in Black Americans, studies have generally suggested that the MS treatments that work better for white people also work better for African Americans, although the evidence is limited.

The National MS Society encourages Black people with MS to check out several research initiatives in the United States that are seeking Black, and in some cases Hispanic or other ethnic minority, volunteers.

In the meantime, anyone, of any race or ethnicity, with symptoms that suggest MS should seek medical care for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Learn More About How MS Affects Black Americans

Conditions Related to Multiple Sclerosis

A number of medical conditions occur at greater frequency in people with MS without necessarily being direct symptoms or complications of MS, although in many cases the link between the diseases remains unclear. Headache, migraine, fibromyalgia, and epilepsy are four such conditions.

Headache and Migraine

Headaches, and particularly migraine, are more common among people with MS than the general public, and the reasons for this are not fully understood. While some studies have found that the use of disease-modifying therapies to treat MS reduces the incidence and frequency of headache, others have found that certain MS therapies are linked to more headaches.

For example, a study reported in the January 2019 issue of?Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders found that 68 percent of the 754 study participants had headaches, of which 39 percent were migraine, 20 percent were tension-type headache, and 38 percent were medication overuse headache. While 20 percent of the participants reported their headaches started before they began MS disease-modifying therapies, 80 percent said the headaches started after drug therapy. There were more headaches in those being treated with interferon beta drugs, of which there are several approved for MS treatment.

But in a study published in the February 2019 issue of?European Neurology, participants reported fewer headaches after they began MS medication. The researchers in this study asked 50 people with new-onset MS about their recent history of headache. In the four weeks prior to developing neurological symptoms suggestive of MS, 78 percent reported headaches, most frequently migraine or probable migraine. Six months later, the percentage of those experiencing headache dropped to 61 percent. The researchers concluded that frequent headaches may be an early sign of MS, and that the decrease in headaches seen in the study could be a result of the effects of immunomodulatory therapy given to treat the MS.


Fibromyalgia is sometimes mistaken for MS, and MS is sometimes mistaken for fibromyalgia. Both occur more frequently in women, and both can cause pain, fatigue, and brain fog, among other symptoms. Many people live with both conditions.

A study published online in July 2018 in?Multiple Sclerosis Journal?examined the health records of nearly 14,000 people with MS from four Canadian locations and compared them with the records of nearly 67,000 people without MS. The researchers found that fibromyalgia was three times more common in the people diagnosed with MS. But because the goal of the study was to identify early signs of MS, it did not further explore the link — or the possibility of a common cause — between fibromyalgia and MS.

What is known is that when a person has both fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis they experience a lower quality of life and more difficulty carrying out activities of daily living.


Seizures are the hallmark of epilepsy, and they sometimes occur in MS as well, although they’re fairly uncommon, occurring in 2 to 5 percent of the MS population,?according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Just as in people with epilepsy, seizures that occur in people with MS are the result of neurons firing abnormally. But the specific cause of seizures in MS is unknown. It’s possible they’re triggered by MS lesions in the brain in susceptible individuals. Indeed, a study published in June 2019 in?Frontiers in Neurology?concluded that “Cortical lesions occurring in MS patients may play an important role in comorbid epilepsy.” But there’s much that’s still unknown about the link between MS and epilepsy.

People with MS who have recurrent seizures are generally treated with anti-seizure medication.

Common Questions & Answers

How does multiple sclerosis begin?
No one knows exactly how multiple sclerosis begins, but most doctors think it starts when an environmental cause, such as a virus, triggers an autoimmune attack in a person who is genetically susceptible to MS. As the autoimmune attack inflames areas of the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibers, symptoms of MS arise.
What are the early signs and symptoms of MS?
Vision problems and eye pain are common early symptoms of MS. Others include numbness or tingling of the fingers, face, or other parts of the body; difficulty with balance and walking; and sensitivity to heat, which may show up as dizziness, faintness, or unusual discomfort in warm temperatures or in a warm shower or bath.
What effects does MS have on your body?
MS affects each person’s body differently, depending on where it causes lesions, or nerve damage, in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. Most people with MS have fatigue. Many have balance difficulties, numbness, muscle spasticity, and bladder problems. Some people have thinking and memory problems because of MS.
Can MS ever go away on its own or with treatment?
No, MS does not go away on its own. Disease-modifying drugs can reduce relapses and slow the overall progression of the disease. Stem cell transplants have also begun to show promise in slowing or stopping progression. Rarely, a person's MS is "benign" and progresses very little after the initial symptoms. But for most people, MS worsens over time.
Can a person die of multiple sclerosis?
Most people with MS do not die of it, but some studies suggest it shortens life expectancy by six or seven years. What can kill people with MS are complications of the disease, including lung infections (pneumonia) and sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection. Cardiovascular diseases are also a major cause of death for people with MS.

The Takeaway

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system, potentially causing varying symptoms such as visual disturbances, muscle weakness, and fatigue. Although there is no cure, early diagnosis and treatment with steroids, disease-modifying therapies, and physical treatments can help manage symptoms and the disease's progression. If you're experiencing symptoms, contact your doctor to get evaluated right away.

Resources We Trust

  • Mayo Clinic:?Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cleveland Clinic:?Fatigue in the Context of MS
  • Multiple Sclerosis Association of America:?Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
  • National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Treating MS
  • World Health Organization: Multiple Sclerosis
Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy. We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.
  1. Smouldering Multiple Sclerosis: The ‘Real MS’. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders.
  2. Residual Disability After Severe Relapse in People With Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Disease-Modifying Therapy. Multiple Sclerosis.
  3. Longitudinal Analysis Reveals High Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus Associated With Multiple Sclerosis. Science.
  4. Association of Infectious Mononucleosis in Childhood and Adolescence With Risk for a Subsequent Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis Among Siblings. JAMA Network Open.
  5. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency and Risk Among Women in the Finnish Maternity Cohort. Neurology.
  6. Smoking Induces DNA Methylation Changes in Multiple Sclerosis Patients With Exposure-Response Relationship. Scientific Reports.
  7. Obesity and Multiple Sclerosis — a Multifaceted Association. Journal of Clinical Medicine.
  8. Associations Between Onset Age and Disability in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Studied Using MSSS and a Progression Model. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
  9. Early Imaging Predictors of Long-Term Outcomes in Relapse-Onset Multiple Sclerosis. Brain.
  10. Survival in Commercially Insured Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Comparator Subjects in the U.S. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
  11. Survival and Cause of Death in Multiple Sclerosis: A 60-Year Longitudinal Population Study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
  12. Multiple Cause of Death Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology.
  13. Association Between Time Spent Outdoors and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology.
  14. Does Vitamin D Deficiency Predict Early Conversion of Clinically Isolated Syndrome? A Preliminary Egyptian Study. The International Journal of Neuroscience.
  15. Unhealthy Habits. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  16. Association of Obesity With Multiple Sclerosis Risk and Response to First-line Disease Modifying Drugs in Children. JAMA Neurology.
  17. Insights Into the Mechanisms That May Clarify Obesity as a Risk Factor for Multiple Sclerosis. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports.
  18. Bladder Problems. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  19. The Prevalence of MS in the United States. Neurology.
  20. Sex and Gender Issues in Multiple Sclerosis. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders.
  21. Headache Characteristics in Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
  22. Headache at the Time of First Symptom Manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study. European Neurology.
  23. Five Years Before Multiple Sclerosis Onset: Phenotyping the Prodrome. Multiple Sclerosis Journal.
  24. Effects of Comorbid Fibromyalgia Syndrome on Activities of Daily Living in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria.
  25. Seizures. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  26. Patients With Epileptic Seizures and Multiple Sclerosis in a Multiple Sclerosis Center in Southern Germany Between 2003–2015. Frontiers in Neurology.
Additional Sources
  • Giovanonni G, Popescu V, Wuerfel J, et al. Smouldering Multiple Sclerosis: The ‘Real MS.’ Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. January 25, 2022.
  • Lassmann H. Multiple Sclerosis Pathology. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine. March 2018.
  • Criste G, Trapp B, Dutta R. Chapter 5 — Axonal Loss in Multiple Sclerosis: Causes and Mechanisms. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. February 5, 2014.
  • Types of MS. National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  • Malignant Multiple Sclerosis. Social Security Program Operations Manual System (POMS).
  • Achiron A, Sarova-Pinhas I, Magalashvili D, et al. Residual Disability After Severe Relapse in People With Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Disease-Modifying Therapy. Multiple Sclerosis. November 2018.
  • Bjornevik K, Cortese M, Healy BC, et al. Longitudinal Analysis Reveals High Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus Associated With Multiple Sclerosis. Science. January 13, 2022.
  • Xu Y, Hiyoshi A, Smith KA, et al. Association of Infectious Mononucleosis in Childhood and Adolescence With Risk for a Subsequent Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis Among Siblings. JAMA Network Open. October 11, 2021.
  • Munger KL, Hongell K, ?ivo J, et al. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency and Risk Among Women in the Finnish Maternity Cohort. Neurology. October 10, 2017.
  • Marabita F, Almgren M, Sj?holm LK, et al. Smoking Induces DNA Methylation Changes in Multiple Sclerosis Patients With Exposure-Response Relationship. Scientific Reports. November 2017.
  • Schreiner TG, Genes TM. Obesity and Multiple Sclerosis — a Multifaceted Association. Journal of Clinical Medicine. June 2021.
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